BDSM Impact Play

BDSM Impact Play - The Best Guide for Kink Beginners

You may hear about Genshin Impact Play, but do you know BDSM Impact Play? If you are interested in it, then please go with us, we will show you what is impact play, and let you know the different types of impact play and everything you should know about it.

📌What Is Impact Play?

Impact play is a BDSM play that involves keeping hitting your partner for the sexual gratification of either or both parties, like spanking, punching, whipping, or flogger. The difference is in the tool chosen to deliver the impact. For someone, the preferred method of "impact play" is to inflict deep tissue bruising, but this is a more dangerous form than other impact play and requires more time for practice.

📌Types Of Impact Play

⏳ Spanking

Spanking is the most famous type of impact play. You can do it as long as you have hands. What's more interesting is spanking can make you feel your partner's flesh, and it's okay to stop doing something if you want to.

It's also harder to injure your partner unintentionally because your hands don't have sharp edges like some toys. Give your partner 1-2 seconds to recover, The faster you play, the stronger it feels. Or you can try spanking in the bedroom for role-playings, such as the naughty student and teacher combo. Pull your noisy partner onto your lap or let them lean against a table.

⏳ Paddling

A paddle is a flat spanking tool with a handle. They are usually long, narrow rectangles, but also come in round, leaf-shaped, and many other shapes.

Paddles come in a variety of materials (leather, wood, rubber, metal, silicone, etc.) and textures (some are even lined with fur). You can rub your partner's bare bottom with a furry paddle like a spanking with a rough toy, and feel more intense.


A flogger is a toy with a handle and multiple "tails", exact quantity varies by design. It is another great option when you're exploring impact play. They're easy to pick up, and a variety of sizes and materials means you can choose a toy with the strength you want. Flogger handles are usually (but not always) wrapped in leather. The tail is available in a variety of materials. You can vary the intensity by changing how hard you swing the whip, and the design of the toy can also affect how much pain it produces.

Practices are necessary for this play, as with all forms of impact play, you should practice handing the flogger on the pillow first. This can give you an idea of how far away you need to be from your target, and how hard you need to switch to make sure the end of the flogger's tail hits your target.

⏳ Cropping

Ridding cropping is traditionally used by equestrian athletes, but has been adopted by the perverted crowd who love impact play, including those who love pony/pet play.

A cropper consists of a thin, flexible rod, usually wrapped in leather, but can also be made of other materials. At one end is a circle of leather or another small piece of thin leather that acts as a beater.

Remember to use the end of the crop and not the rod to touch your partner's body. The small size of the crop creates a more petty, more intense feel, covering only a small circumference. Repeating the movement on the same part of your partner's body will enhance this feeling.


A walking stick is a thin rod, usually made of rattan or bamboo. The finer the feeling, the stronger the feeling. Canes are generally known for producing severe pain due to their thinness, so they are only loved by a few who like to push their boundaries.

Fans of whipping also love the sound they make when you swing them in the air. It can send chills down the spine of your intended partner. This fear is why some people like caning.

Allow 10 to 40 seconds between each tap with the cane to give your partner a chance to prepare for the next tap. Canes can damage the skin, so you must use them carefully.


While leather and suede whips are the most common, you'll also find unique silicone whips. Most leather whips have braided tails. The tail can also be knotted for added feel. A bullwhip is like something Indiana Jones carries. They are between 35 and 63 inches in length. The longer the whip, the more skill to control.

Whips can easily break the skin or cause accidental injury, which is why we only recommend whips to experienced kinks and professionals. Like a whip, if you don't know how to aim properly, the whip wraps will around your partner's body.

⏳ Punching

Imagine punching a face, but with clenched fists instead of flat palms. A light-to-heavy blow to the chest or hip is a great way to play this pounding form safely.

Be sure to stay away from the face, spine, or any major organs, and any other place that isn't approved by your partner.


A slapper is basically a hand slapping that occurs on a body part other than the buttocks. For example thighs, cheeks, breasts, and penis. It is advisable to master the art of slapping on fleshy surfaces like the butt before exploring these delicate surfaces.

It's best to start with light tapping and then move on to stronger tapping, but do this with caution, you could be hurting your partner if you try too hard on this.


You can slap your genitals and breasts with open hands, or if you want something a little more extreme, clench your fists and hit with the flats of your fingers instead of your knuckles, pulling your fist a few inches away from the target.

In addition to the "sweet spot" mentioned above, you can also punch below the collarbone but above the breasts. A tense stomach can also take a hit, but you should be more careful to avoid the face, neck, joints, and breastbone.


Kicks are a more extreme form of impact play because the leg muscles are very strong. A common influence play technique is for a person to kick their partner's genitals.

You can use the top of your foot instead of your toes to reduce hard kicking. Don't kick with all your strength, be careful not to hurt your partner.

However, the hands of the Dom person can easily get tired, using one of the following tools can also reduce the pressure on your hands.

📌Aftercare For Impact Play: The Most Important Thing

Aftercare is a post-play event in which all parties check in on one another to ensure the scene was enjoyable, including mental and physical.

From Mental, both parties should share how they felt, tend to each other, and discuss how to improve the next time. From Physical, It's an essential part of any sex that involves risk of physical harm, for example, impact play, and may require bringing the submissive partner food, water, and ice for any bruises.

In order to take care of impact play beginners, we made a list of some impact play terms that kink usually use, please check the table below:


Where Can I Learn More About BDSM?

Please check the BDSM blog on our website. You will learn more knowledge about how to start BDSM.

Or you can also go to for more video info, It’s the most popular BDSM community in the world.

How To Start An Impact Play With My Partner?

The first thing we should do is communicate with him/she about what they want to acquire from the activity and talk about what are prohibited.

How To Safely Start An Impact Play?

Choose a safe word, like “red” stand for stop, and “yellow” stand for slower. Since if we are playing a role, you may say “no” or “stop” or some other words, but what they want really is to continue, that’s why you should choose safe words more than“no”.